Monday, August 1, 2011

I'll Give You Something To Cry About

If I have to hear that Jennifer Hudson Weight Watchers song one more time, I cannot be responsible for my actions.

Add to that the shrinking Duchess Middleton and the fact that every single time I check Facebook it is like looking at a login in sheet at the gym,  ("Headed to the gym", "Just got back from the gym", "Ran 200 miles at Cherokee today wearing my duvet cover for extra resistance") and it is a little excessive.

Now, anyone with two eyes can see that I am in the shape of my life. I think any doctor would tell you that I am probably the model of physical fitness and health. If your model is Roseann circa 1991. 

Photo: ABC
And until shopping becomes exercise or you can lose weight from a pill, this is how it shall be. Ooh, or wish yourself thin. Because then, a Middleton I shall be. 

But in the 5-minutes it has taken me to write this, find the picture of Roseanne and insert the photo credits so I don't get sued and have to go to jail, I have heard 2 segments about weight loss on the Today Show. It is going to be a STELLAR Monday for insecurities. I should definitely put on a swimsuit today. 

All the more reason to keep my focus for the accolade I had intended with this post....

About 3-weeks-ago, I was with one of the sweetest Gals/Moms I know. She went to high school with JD and I met her through him, but have had many a chance to hang out with her group of girlfriends. While I don't thinks she would mind her name being used, let's call her "G." 

G just had her 2nd baby who is not only a little cherub, but pretty much as perfect as her first baby. Apparently, she has perfect babies. In the blazing heat of a Catholic picnic, she looked radiant. And it wasn't just the glisten of 1billion percent humidity. She was glowing with elation. 

The more we caught up, the more guilty I felt. Why, you ask?  Two fold: 1. I have been SO consumed with my own moving drama that I completely neglected to acknowledge/be a good friend about this kid. 2. I was probably already bitching about how fat I was at this point after Sweet B was born. Actually, I think that very night, 3-months-ago, I was still bitching about baby weight almost 2-years later. Making it all about me. (Are we ever really not talking about me?)

The next day, I sent her a text (as to avoid the phone completely) telling G how much fun we had and telling her how great she looked and what a great job I thought she was doing as a Mommy. I wanted her to know I was serious, so I used all caps at least twice and several exclamation points. 

What I got back, shocked me. 

She admitted she didn't love how she looked. She said that she had several pounds that she wanted gone, but that she realized that her priorities were changing. She said she wanted to be healthy, but her goal to be as skinny as she was in college was not realistic anymore. Then the gut punch: She said that every time she looked at her baby, she realized that he was worth every single pound, and that she would get those pounds off, but not at the expense of time with him. 

I put my phone down and cried. I didn't even know what to respond. Clearly, she is a superior thinker to me. She is obviously more evolved than I. Wow. OMG, did I text her back?

What a breath of fresh air. What an unselfish Mom. What an unselfish human being. 

I would love to say " I wish I could have been more like that..." Well, actually, I do wish I could have been more like that. But I looked like the Mom from What's Eating Gilbert Grape? So, it wasn't a healthy lifestyle for me or Sweet B. 

Photo: IMDB
Time was a factor...But, I wish I hadn't been so consumed with being emaciated or having people be like "YOU just had a baby? You are so thin!" 

I want to say that I am evolved enough to say that I would rather be comfortable in my skin and healthy. Then, my desire of all desires would e to have people gush over my accomplishments with Sweet B. Because that is how it should be. My smart, well-mannered, well-behaved, polite, well-rounded, Christian, compassionate child should be the reflection of all my hard work. Not 6-pack abs or definitive triceps. 

Maybe I could do it all. But I have 2 blogs and a lot of reality tv to watch. 

I need more people like G in my life. And more people need to take a note from G. 

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