Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Helicopter Hunk

Photo: Popsugar
Guess who is single again?!?!!?

And going to ARIZONA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's right! He will be training something something helicopter blah blah in the desert/dessert. (I gotta figure that one out before we get there.) 

Let me be clear; Harry is merely a vessel. I am only using him to get to the Duchess. I mean, if I have to go to dinner with the guy, have a few drinks, chat him up with my knowledge of all things English, throw around a few Union Jack jokes, so be it. I mean, I am practically old enough to be his older sister. 

While I was gone, I DVR'd (is that really a verb?) "Wild About Pippa" on TLC. Before that, I noticed that there was a "Crazy About Harry," so I just threw that in for posterity.  When I got home, I had plenty to watch while I was unpacking. Not that I texted home to make sure it was recording. Or that it was the first thing I did when Sweet B went down for her nap on Saturday. 

I would venture to say, he and Pippa both have the better gig. All the fun and none of the pressure. 

I would like to think that if I meet him, I would quickly befriend him. I would also like to think that there is even a single possible scenario where I would meet him that involved me looking  and acting like a human. I would also like to imagine that every female at ASU is excommunicated from the state until further notice. I am certain the proximity to Los Angeles will bode in my favor as well. 

God save the Queen!

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