Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Running Scared

I want SO much to be a runner. 

I see people all the time running and it looks so effortless, so easy. One of my dearest friends in the entire world is a runner and she will casually drop lines like "After running 15 miles this morning, I need a glass of wine." Wow. Because I wouldn't run 15 miles to GET a glass of wine. And I love wine. A lot. 

I could walk 15 miles. I can easily drive 15 miles, but I would love to run. Runners are so fit, so healthy, they have awesome running gear and their metabolism is freakish. But it seems like a lot of work. Frankly, too much work. Especially when I see them running in the rain or in the freeing cold and all they have on is lycra pants and thin jacket with earmuffs. Oh, you aren't freezing because your core body temperature is 1billion times that of mine? Well, I am drinking hot chocolate, so I hope you slip on black ice. 

Since I quit smoking, I have a lot stronger lung capacity. Weird, I know. I wonder if the medical community knows... Anyway, I wonder if I could do it now. I have looked into some "Beginner Running" tutorials and it seems like if you start slow, you can build up. My problem is that I am not  graceful person.  I am pretty sure I have the knees of a 90-year-old man. I am confident there is more shaking and jiggling going past than lean, toned runner. But, I have not given up. I am hoping to get some confidence to try one of these programs. I should probably get some new shoes and a cool running outfit just in case. And refill my inhaler. It is going to get cold soon, so maybe I should just wait until spring. That is probably what I will do. 

As I have done more research than running, I found this and it made me laugh so hard, I cried. Then I cried because there is a lot of truth in this:

Photo: Pinterest

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