Monday, October 3, 2011

Tattle Tales

Snitches get stitches.

Isn't that how it goes? But sometimes, I feel compelled to tattle. Even as an adult. Will I wind up in time out or have to physically wear a tattle tail? Maybe. And sometimes, it is worth it. 

When I was younger, I was either scared to tattle or quick on the tattle draw. I have a need for justice. I don't ever like to think that someone got away with something. Mainly, because if I even consider the pettiest of crime, I will get arrested by a retired, decorated, off-duty police officer. I will sit through a red light at 3am. I will wait for the walking figure to tell me to go. I don't rip the tags off my pillows or mattress because it says "under penalty of law."  But sometimes, you gotta have justice. 

I recently had an interaction with some women who were in charge and had all the power. I was a lowly volunteer so I had exactly no power. I don't know what bar serves power, but they were clearly over served. Like 21st birthday over served.  21st birthday on St. Patrick's Day when it falls on Spring Break after the Sunday that is Easter, over served. Drunk. On. Power. 

I played nice. I played really nice. But what they had done was more than wrong. And what we were doing was for a really good cause. So, the more ugly the women are, the more likely they are to alienate women like me from helping in the future. It isn't that I can't get over it, but I just don't want to be treated like a child by a contemporary. Eventually, I will fight back. That won't be pretty. Nasty is a really ugly color on me. 

Thinking it was just my typical oversensitivity, I kept my feelings to myself. However, when I was among some really close friends, it turned out, they read me like a book and shared my exact feelings. In fact, they had experienced the same things in the past. With that, one of my most respected friends said she had written the committee about the actions of some of those in charge. I hadn't considered that as an option. But it made sense. 

Therefore, I will be crafting an email to tattle. Tattle in an adult way, but tattle nonetheless. I never dreamed I would still be telling on someone for poor behavior at my age. In fact, I had hoped that the next time I would be dealing with tattling it would be with Sweet B. Unfortunately, I forgot that women are awful. Particularly, women who have any kind of power. ANY kind of power. 

So, if you don't hear from me, I may be in timeout. 

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