About every 2-4 weeks, my brother "infects" me with some new website. Usually just as I have gotten control of my addiction to the last. He is the Julian Assange of Internet hilarity.
So, this week, I got this.
And now I can fully understand the genius that is Phil Dunphy.
I am serious when I say that you need to set aside time for viewing this site. I laughed, I cried, I donated to AARP. . I am not 100% sure my Mom is not single-handedly running this website. This is better than most things on the Internet.
Now listen; I fat finger a text daily. I am constantly texting JD that I "live" him. But this is gold. Technology is hard.
Even more ironic, my brother never fails, every time we are together, to bring up something technological to which I reply "What the hell are you talking about? Are you having a stroke?" He has so much to teach me, his older sister. Cue Circle of Life...
Just so you know:
1. If Sweet B were older and we could text, I would DEFINITELY text her the one called "Right Now" about every hour.
2. "Haterade" is a close second favorite.
While he will get no writing credits, I will continue to infect you with the insanity that my brother provides. Might want to get a hazmat suit. It took me 6-months to let go of one of the sites he sent me. That isn't a lie, but I wish it was.
I love that kid so much.
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